I am very comfortable meeting and interacting with new people from different walks of life. As a matter of fact, I look forward to meet people. One of my close friend’s mentioned during a talk – look you are comfortable talking to people but I am not. The observation that I am comfortable talking to people, made me introspect, what’s that I think internally to make myself comfortable.
My mother during childhood, used to make friends with lot of people. They used to come home and with utmost ease Mom used to interact. She followed a simple principle – make the other person feel comfortable – like giving water, enquiring about their children, any help required so on. May be experiencing the way Mom handled interactions got me very comfortable. Further, during my early days of starting to work – used to travel Bhopal-Hyderabad-Bhopal. During the travel, co-passengers in train used to engage in talks about life, work and so on. This again made me comfortable which in turn made me talk to co-passengers during train travel. Even today in auto or cab travel – i make it a point to talk to auto/cab driver by looking around his vehicle. Eg. Dr. Raj Kumar picture affixed in the auto – I ask the auto guy about Dr. Raj Kumar – he will be extremely delighted to talk about Dr. Raj Kumar. I learn about Dr. Raj Kumar in the process. How much film bluff I am – my college mates know better. The travel becomes a talk, keeping aside the traffic issues.
Today, have a meeting with a new person who is coming over to mentor for a important prospect presentation. I didnt have any fear of new person meeting or what would be his feedback on the presentation and so on. As a prelude to the meeting, did preparation on the presentation deck – asked myself Did I do my best – Yes I did my best. All my apprehensions about meeting the new person went off the head. Secondly, I tell myself, new people interactions will give new ideas, new learning, new human being to understand. This in turn improves me as a person while interacting with next new person. This goes back to the foundation laid by Mom – make the other person feel comfortable. For that I need to be a better person.
Fear could be kept at bay with (a) preparation – did i do my best (b) look forward for the learning, potential positive points and (c) keep the other person comfortable.